When roadside service is needed, it isn’t necessary for the customer to either pay out-of-pocket for services or fill out any reimbursement forms. Good Sam prepays to the provider directly.
Good Sam has an excellent satisfaction guarantee. Over the initial 30 days of their members, customers are eligible for a full refund, with no questions asked. Once the initial 30-day period is over, a prorated refund of membership dues is provided, even if services were used during this time. That is much more generous compared to a majority of other roadside assistance programs, that often do not provide any refund if their services have been used.
Good Sam provides the market’s widest coverage, especially for RV owners, and the low prices that they offer mean that their plans are affordable for bigger households so that every family member can be covered. Their broad geographic coverage, outstanding customer service, and well-established history make Good Sam a good choice for roadside assistance.